Thursday, March 20, 2008

In Praise of Obama, Role Model

It is amazing how the Democrats election campaign started
with the idea that no race or gender issue would be used in the
race to the White House.
The world looks up to America to set example, and initially one gets the feeling that this is truly a democracy at work that other world leaders could borrow a page from. But as the drama unfolds, it becomes clear that the Republicans' rules for nominating their candidate is far more straightforward, if not superior, than those of the Democrats.

The USA primary election has gotten the attention of a lot of the youths, not just in
the USA but around the world, who otherwise show no interest in politics, period.

In my opinion the surge in interest emanates from Senator Barack Obama's infectious energy and inspiring aspiration to be the agent of change as the future President of the greatest country on the globe. Even my 14 year old son, who only does 'itunes', ‘You Tube’ and 'Messenger' would pause to listen to Obama's speeches. I was pleasantly surprised when he corrected a suggestion by one of CNN's commentators one evening that perhaps Obama's speeches are too long and may put one to sleep (not her exact words) - well my boy retorted
by saying "no, he doesn't put me to sleep, in fact I identify with most of what he is saying…"
I said a silent 'Hallelujah' and 'Thank You Jesus' that night. It dawned on me that God had just sent a mentor and role model in the form of Senator Barack Obama into our living room via's Situation Room.
My son who, since turning a teenager one year ago has been having several growing issues and dark days that I cannot help him with as a single mom, was able to connect with Barack.

There has been such a dramatic change, he is calmer, and he engages me in conversation
once more, and it was no longer an issue for him to return to putting out the garbage bin or doing the occasional dishes. Thank you Senator Obama.

The press and newsmedia could obviously sway an election and ought to learn from what took place in Florida during the last presidential election. As for the race card, maybe it's time that the greatest nation on earth learn from a small nation like Jamaica where the Motto is 'Out of Many, One People'. Yes, we may have all kinds of problems, but what makes this little rock called ‘Jamaica’ the greatest little country on earth is because 45 years into independence, we see ourselves as God's people, not colored, black, white or yellow.

I think that when the dust settles, Barack Obama may well make the greatest history of the 21st century by becoming the President of the USA, But even if he doesn't make it (kitchen sink and/or press manipulations all thrown in), he would have made history for daring to try and would most certainly remain an inspiration to millions of dis-enfranchised youths worldwide for generations to come - including my boy who has travelled to the UK with me on 3 occasions as a child without a problem but as soon as he turned 11, couldn't get his UK visitor's visa approved and yet he ain't no criminal.
I have a grandaughter in the UK who is 3 years old that my 14 year old has not been able to meet even though he was in the UK during my daughter-in-law's pregnancy. Splitting up family by authorities makes one angry and resentful but you can't fight the system. The monkey is on their shoulder, eventually. It wouldn't be as hurtful if the dirty job had been done by a true blue British from the British High Commission, but to have an indian with nose-ring turn down the settlement applicatiom was worse than a below-the-belt blow because another indian, Mike Jatania, almost 20 years before practically stole cosmetics business by 'passing off' my brand name. Meanwhile, the business that I was about to start in the UK in 2006 had to be shelved indefinitely because I cannot live an adolescent on his own in Jamaica. C'est la vie.
Now you understand why my boy has dark days and why I got to thank Senator Obama for lifting some of his pains.
Oh, I just love Anderson Cooper of, he's so gorgeous but Larry King takes the cake because I just love guys in blue jeans. I danced too, watching him dance with Janet Jackson - pretending he was dancing with me. Go Larry!
By the way, I have no dislike or hatred for indians - my best friend at college is an indian seikh, who taught me how to appreciate the taste of indian cuisine.

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