Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Jamaica Labour Party Regains Power After 18 Years

Jamaica Labour Party regains power after 18 years of being in the political wilderness, albeit by a very narrow margin. There are still wranglings here and there, by losers in certain constituencies to reverse the fortune for themselves or their parties. For the rest of us, we are just too ready to get on with the business of rebuilding our lives, and by extension, Jamaica - Land we love. After all in sports we all accepted a situation where Veronica Campbell won her gold medal by a photo finish over her American competitor. No sweat, we'll do the same for Parliament.

We hope that the new opposition shall be a formidable force to reckon with, and Jamaica wishes them well. But while we continue to love our Sister P, the Most Honourable Portia Simpson-Miller, we certainly hope that the People's National Party's plan to be the ruling party's 'worst nightmare' would not materialise. Oppose, oppose and oppose in the nation's interest, yes, but turning this into a nightmare may very well help to keep Sister P and her party in the real estate spot commissioned by Mr. Roger Clarke for the JLP in the House of Parliament for much longer than 2 decades.

Bob Marley sang in one of his songs:
"there's a natural mystic flowing in the air...
if you listen carefully now, you will hear..."

May be it's my imagination, maybe it's not; but people's faces all over Jamaica seem to be more relaxed than before or immediately after the Jamaica elections. If it is the usual euphoria that comes with a new beginning, then our new Prime Minister, Honourable Bruce Golding should not be too comfortable in his shoes. Indeed, we would advise him to "tek sleep mark death". Bruce must take a leaf off Portia's experience and put in place policies that would convert the euphoria into something tangible for the Jamaican voters. Never mind that half of them couldn't bring themselves to vote for you, you must nevertheless deliver on your promises or at least provide a realistic and sustainable time frame in which we can start to expect some 'feel good' effect.

The good news is that Jamaicans are getting positive vibes that things would change for the better and that at least for once, the government is listening to them. Boy, I love Bobby Pickersgill very dearly, but I was hoping that the PNP would never win in Portmore even if Portia wins overall because of the Toll situation. But the Portmore electorate gave the mandate to Portia even though Bobby 'TOLL WE SO TILL..'

Do Mass Bruce, if your government can find a way to help us in Portmore, you would'a pick up all the extra votes to make Portmore a JLP country or at least a PNP and a JLP country - do Sir, see if you can bring down the Toll cost to a $50.00 fi wi - the Toll is taking a toll on our pockets, and on the resale value of our properties, and on the ability for spinsters and single moms to get boyfriends. Then to add insult upon injury, our children and us still have to get up at ungodly hours in the morning in gridlock traffic to get to Kingston via the Toll.

By the way, a which 'sour grapes' burst pon the JLP dual citizenship holders? Bet you, dem know which ones from the new opposition PNP party hold dual citizenship too, not necessarily of the USA. So why the carrot and a stick tactics? But what a hell, when the whole truth comes out... interesting times ahead.

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